In each methodological option there are different data sets. In the Rissech method you can find a reference sample from Spain (Valladolid collection), another from North America (Bass collection) and a third from Colombia (Bogota Forensic Institute Collection). The Spanish collection (Valladolid collection) comes from the data of Powanda (2008) and is constituted by 24 women and 52 men. The North American collection (Bass collection) comes from the data of San-Millán et al (2019) and is constituted by 370 women and 456 men. The Colombian collection (Bogota Forensic Institute Collection) comes from Muñoz-Silva et al (2020) and is constituted by 185 women and 378 men.
In the SanMillán-Rissech method you can find a reference sample from Portugal (Lisbon
collection) and another from North America (Bass collection). The Portuguese collection (Lisbon
collection) comes from the data of San-Millán et al (2017) and is constituted by 317 women
and 294 men. The sample from North America (Bass collection) comes from the data of San-Millán et
al (2019) and is constituted by 370 women and 456 men.
Muñoz-Silva V, SanabriaMedina C, Rissech C. 2020. Application and analysis of the Rissech acetabular adult aging method in a Colombian sample. International Journal of Legal Medicine, DOI 10.1007/s00414-020-02422-w.
Powanda A. 2008. A comparison of pelvic age-estimation methods on two modern Iberian
populations: bioarchaeological and forensic implications. Master dissertation. Department of
Anthropology, School of Arts and Science, New York University. New York.
San-Millán M., Rissech C.,
Turbón D, 2016.
New approach to age estimation of male and female
adult skeletons based on the morphological characteristics of the acetabulum. International
Journal of Legal Medicine, 131:501-525.
San-Millán M.,
Rissech C., Turbón D. 2019.
Application of the recent SanMillán-Rissech
acetabular adult aging method in a North American sample. International Journal of Legal
Medicine, 133: 909-920.